Vitamin C!

Hello there! It’s been a while since my last post! I’ve been facing some personal problems combined with a lot of work at the same time. Also, the world has changed so much since the last time I wrote… A horrible worldwide pandemic changed the world forever, but there is at least something that remains the same: Lady Penelope infinite power and my devotion, enslavement, and obedience towards Her.

I think it’s time to resume the blog. I still have so many things to write about! I truly consider myself nothing more than Dulchesa’s living property, and it’s a privilege to serve Her and be Her slave. The whole world needs to know how incredible, powerful, skilled, and beautiful She is. But, before continue writing about the AMAZING She can do, I would like to talk about something else.

I would like to talk about a very effective way to prevent COVID-19 to become a problem. If you are already one of Dulchesa’s loyal slaves, you may be aware of this method. Our Goddess, in all Her wisdom, knows about a very effective way to stay safe. It consists of taking liposomal vitamin C every 3-4 hours, at the very first symptoms. It’s extremely important to start at the earliest, mildest symptoms. If you do this, you can stay safe! This works and it’s effective. It’s effectively being used by China and New York hospitals. The only difference is that they are using it intravenously because they are using it in critical cases. But, if you use it at the very first symptoms in your house, it could save your life before getting worst, avoiding getting hospitalized. You probably know wise our Goddess is, that’s why I beg you to spread the word and be aware of this trick! It can make a huge difference!